The Birth of our Idea
We often asked ourselves what kind of world we wanted to show our children. Not a world of dreams, but a world of doing. We have a life, so we have a chance to make our dreams come true.
preparing our Masterplan
Of course, there was a lot of planning to do before we could make our dream come true, because with the family in our hand luggage, we wanted to make sure everything was ready.
get the stuff done
From planning the trip to get to know the whole country, selling our house and accumulated belongings, choosing a competent consulting team, container shipping and booking air tickets, it was a long list of more than 200 tasks.
Its Travelling Time
Laughing with one eye and crying with the other, we have turned our backs on Europe and on the people; it's all or nothing; let's go!
Travel Guide
We are here, exactly where we wanted to be. Sure, not everything is easy, but it is easier to be here than to mourn...
arrived to stay
A year ago we didn't know how, where and for how long, now we can stay forever =)
If you have a question about our themes, please feel free to contact us!
Our support Hotline is available ... sometimes: (+64) 457 865 5711
Google Map
We have followed our dreams and arrived in New Zealand. Yes, we are happy to be here :)
There are so many beautiful places here that it would take more than a lifetime to see them all.
One time here and one time there and otherwise all over the place ...
Mount Maunganui,
Bay of Plenty
Mo-So 24/7