Hello, we are family



Once to the other end of the world, and stay :) Exploring the heart of nature

Instead of dreaming and hoping, why not just do it?

    My History!

    The past is history, tomorrow is mystery and today is a gift.
    Thats why we call it a present


    < >Everything start here

    The Birth of our Idea

    We often asked ourselves what kind of world we wanted to show our children. Not a world of dreams, but a world of doing. We have a life, so we have a chance to make our dreams come true.

    < >The Plan

    preparing our Masterplan

    Of course, there was a lot of planning to do before we could make our dream come true, because with the family in our hand luggage, we wanted to make sure everything was ready.

    < >Make it

    get the stuff done

    From planning the trip to get to know the whole country, selling our house and accumulated belongings, choosing a competent consulting team, container shipping and booking air tickets, it was a long list of more than 200 tasks.

    < >We found our Love

    Its Travelling Time

    Laughing with one eye and crying with the other, we have turned our backs on Europe and on the people; it's all or nothing; let's go!

    < >Our passion

    Travel Guide

    We are here, exactly where we wanted to be. Sure, not everything is easy, but it is easier to be here than to mourn...

    < >We are RESIDENT now

    arrived to stay

    A year ago we didn't know how, where and for how long, now we can stay forever =)


    If you have a question about our themes, please feel free to contact us!


    Our support Hotline is available ... sometimes: (+64) 457 865 5711

    Google Map

    Google Map

    About Us

    We have followed our dreams and arrived in New Zealand. Yes, we are happy to be here :)

    Bay of Plenty
    3116 Mount Maunganui
    +64 21 0700 3XX

    79771 Klettgau
    07742 9911XX


    There are so many beautiful places here that it would take more than a lifetime to see them all.

    One time here and one time there and otherwise all over the place ...

    Mount Maunganui,


    Bay of Plenty


    Mo-So 24/7
